Brothers of the New Jersey Association of Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters, thank you for the opportunity to lead our great district. Our beloved fraternity has continued to lead, grow, and develop for over 116 years. Our Jewels constructed a foundation built on Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for all mankind. This foundation is anchored through the ideals of First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend ALL.
I campaigned under the banner of the Fierce Urgency of Now, not tomorrow, not soon but now. I want to lead our district in an impactful manner to new heights. Our communities, like many others, have been changed due to the global pandemic. Partisan politics have left many of our communities feeling even more disenfranchised and marginalized. My plan is to ensure that on every level within our state, Alpha men have a seat at the table and are informed on the issues that affect our communities.
More than 30 years ago I was initiated into the Omicron Zeta Chapter seated at Fairleigh Dickinson University. I would have never dreamed of such an honor as leading this great district. I am humbled and honored by the privilege that you, the brothers have bestowed upon me. This is a heavy burden, yet I know I do not stand alone. WE as brothers can accomplish anything. I have and will always lean on the shield for wisdom, guidance, and advice.
Thank you, my dear brothers. I pledge to give you all my Love, Peace, and Happiness now and until Omega Chapter.
Bro. Alexander McLucas
13th District Director
New Jersey Association of Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters